Balanced Scorecard

The implementation of the balanced scorecard (BSC) in Core-Strategy delivers an organizational scorecard in an intuitive and concise manner, empowering your organization to

  • Clearly communicate its objectives.
  • Align the day-to-day work of all team members with the overarching strategy.
  • Prioritize projects, products, and services.
  • Measure and monitor progress toward strategic targets.

Strategy Map

The Strategy Map in the Core-Strategy suite facilitates the intuitive mapping of the cause-and-effect relationships between strategic objectives with a simple point-and-click approach. It stands as a powerful component in the balanced scorecard methodology, swiftly conveying how the organization generates value.

  • Financial
  • Customer
  • Internal processes
  • Learning and growth

A strategy map can help:

  • Identify key goals
  • Uncover gaps in your strategy
  • Display how intangible company resources generate strategic value
  • Help employees understand the overall strategy and their role in it
  • Help everyone be on the same page with others

Strategy Roadmap

The Strategy Roadmap module within the Core-Strategy suite presents an interactive and user-friendly dashboard that illustrates your organization's strategy's current versus expected progress. Endorsed by senior-level stakeholders, strategic planning roadmaps concentrate on mission-critical business objectives and typically emphasize long-term timelines and deadlines.

A typical strategic roadmap consists of several critical components:

  • Strategic Goals: These are the high-level goals your organization aims to achieve. They serve as the guiding north star for your roadmap.
  • Objectives: These are major efforts or projects your organization will undertake to achieve the strategic goals.
  • Actions: These are specific tasks related to each initiative. They represent the "how" of achieving each initiative and, ultimately, the strategic objectives.
  • Timelines: Timelines offer a temporal view of when initiatives and actions are expected to start and end, indicating progress and helping manage expectations.
  • Milestones: Significant events or achievements along the roadmap that indicate progress towards strategic objectives.

Strategy Tree

The Strategy Tree module in the Core-Strategy suite is a hierarchical mind map that visually represents the entire strategic management relationship, spanning from the organization's vision to all objectives and programs in a single pane.

  • It can be used to guide your strategy formation
  • Communicate the plan to your team or stakeholders and
  • As a way to report on progress against your overall goals

A Strategy Tree is composed of following levels:

  • [Level One] Strategy Plan: Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy or direction and allocating its resources to pursue this strategy
  • [Level Two] Goals: Goals describes what a company expects or hopes to accomplish over a specific period, in other words, where it hopes to be at a future date.
  • [Level Tree] Objectives: Objectives are a specific result you are trying to achieve within a period and with available resources. Core-Strategy provides two varieties of objectives namely Objective & Key results (OKR) or Project.