Strategic Planning for Non-Profits

Developing a strategic planning framework for non-profits involves a thoughtful and comprehensive process that aligns the organization's mission with its long-term goals and actions. Here's a strategic planning framework tailored for non-profit organizations:

  • Establish a Strategic Planning Team
  • Resource Assessment
  • Review and Clarify Mission and Vision
  • Collaboration and Partnerships
  • Conduct a SWOT Analysis
  • Communication and Advocacy
  • Define Goals and Objectives and identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Financial Planning and Sustainability
  • Perform Environmental Scan
  • Board and Staff Development
  • Engage Stakeholders
  • Document and Communicate the Plan
  • Program and Service Evaluation
  • Flexibility and Adaptability
  • Celebrate Successes

Acknowledge and celebrate achievements along the way. Recognition of success boosts morale and reinforces the commitment of stakeholders.

Pitfalls of Strategic Planning Impacting Non-Profits

Acknowledge and celebrate achievements along the way. Recognition of success boosts morale and reinforces the commitment of stakeholders.

Failure to Adapt to Changing Circumstances


Rigid plans that do not allow for flexibility may become obsolete in the face of unexpected changes, such as shifts in funding, community needs, or external conditions.


Build adaptability into the plan, regularly review progress, and be prepared to adjust as needed.

Lack of Stakeholder Involvement


Not involving key stakeholders, including staff, volunteers, beneficiaries, and board members, can result in a lack of buy-in and limited perspectives in the planning process.


Ensure diverse representation in the planning team and seek input from all relevant stakeholders through surveys, focus groups, or meetings.

Overemphasis on Internal Perspectives


Focusing too much on internal perspectives and neglecting external factors can lead to plans that are disconnected from the broader community and environmental context.


Conduct a thorough environmental scan, considering political, economic, social, technological, and legal factors that may impact the organization.

By being mindful of these pitfalls and proactively addressing them, non-profits can enhance the effectiveness of their strategic planning efforts and increase the likelihood of successful plan implementation.

Strategic Execution Framework for Non-profits

Implementing a strategy-based execution framework is essential for non-profits to effectively translate their strategic plans into tangible outcomes. Here's a framework that outlines key steps in executing strategies for non-profit organizations:

Resource Allocation

  • Responsibility: Finance and Operations Team
  • Ensure that resources (financial, human, and technological) are allocated effectively to support the implementation of strategic initiatives.

Leadership and Alignment

  • Responsibility: Board and Leadership Team
  • Ensure that leadership is aligned with the strategic plan, understands its significance, and is committed to its successful execution.

Communication and Training

  • Responsibility: Communications Team, HR
  • Develop a comprehensive communication plan to ensure that all stakeholders, including staff, volunteers, and beneficiaries, understand the strategic goals, their roles, and the importance of the plan.

Goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Non-Profits

The following section provides sample Goals and Key Performance for Non-Profit Organizations.

Sample Goals for Non-Profit Organizations

Setting clear and measurable goals is essential for non-profits to align their efforts with their mission and demonstrate impact. Here are sample goals across different areas for non-profit organizations:


Goal:Improve Overhead Efficiency

Measurable Target: Reduce overhead costs to 15% of the budget while maintaining program effectiveness.

Goal: Streamline Administrative Processes

Measurable Target: Implement new systems to reduce administrative processing time by 20%.

Fundraising andFinancial Sustainability

Goal:Achieve a 20% Increase in Annual Donations

Measurable Target: Increase total donations by 20% compared to the previous fiscal year.

Goal: Diversify Funding Sources

Measurable Target: Secure funding from at least three new corporate sponsors or foundations.

Program Impact andEffectiveness

Goal:Expand Outreach to Underserved Communities

Measurable Target: Increase the number of beneficiaries in low-income communities by 25%.

Goal: Improve Program Success Rates

Measurable Target: Achieve a success rate of 90% for critical programs, as measured by predefined outcomes.

Setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) ensures that non-profits have clear targets and can measure their progress toward achieving them. Goals should align with the organization's mission, values, and long-term strategic plan. Regular evaluation and adjustment of goals help ensure ongoing relevance and effectiveness.

Sample KPIs for Healthcare Industry

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the healthcare industry are essential metrics that help organizations assess their performance, measure progress, and make informed decisions. Here are some key performance indicators for various aspects of the healthcare industry:

  • Fundraising and Financial Sustainability
  • Program Impact and Effectiveness
  • Community Engagement
  • Advocacy and Awareness
  • Operational Efficiency
Total Revenue

Definition: The overall income generated by the organization.

Fundraising ROI (Return on Investment)

Definition: Decrease readmission rates to less than a certain percentage.

Donor Retention Rate

Definition: The percentage of donors supporting the organization over time.

Cost per Dollar Raised

Definition:  The cost incurred to raise one dollar in donations.


The percentage of patients readmitted to the hospital within a specified period after discharge.

KPI Target

Decrease readmission rates to less than a certain percentage.


The percentage of patients readmitted to the hospital within a specified period after discharge.

KPI Target

Decrease readmission rates to less than a certain percentage.


The percentage of patients readmitted to the hospital within a specified period after discharge.

KPI Target

Decrease readmission rates to less than a certain percentage.


The percentage of patients readmitted to the hospital within a specified period after discharge.

KPI Target

Decrease readmission rates to less than a certain percentage.

These KPIs provide a comprehensive overview of healthcare performance, encompassing clinical quality, operational efficiency, financial health, data management, employee satisfaction, and community engagement. Regular monitoring and analysis of these indicators are critical for healthcare organizations to identify areas for improvement and ensure the delivery of high-quality, efficient, and patient-centered care.

Benefits and Results of Strategy-Based Execution for Non-profits

Implementing a strategy-based execution approach can yield various benefits and results for non-profits. Here are some key advantages that organizations may experience:

Alignment with Mission and Vision


The overall income generated by the organization.


Clear alignment helps non-profits remain focused on their core purpose, increasing overall impact and effectiveness.

Improved Stakeholder Engagement


Effective execution involves stakeholders and communicates the importance of their roles in achieving the organization's goals.


Increased stakeholder engagement, including staff, volunteers, donors, and beneficiaries, leading to a more committed and supportive community.

Measurable Impact


Strategy-based execution involves setting clear objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success.


Non-profits can demonstrate and communicate their impact more effectively to donors, partners, and the community.

Resource Optimization


The execution process involves aligning resources with strategic priorities.


Improved efficiency and effectiveness in resource utilization, ensuring that funds, time, and talent are directed toward high-impact initiatives.

Adaptability to Change


Strategy-based execution frameworks encourage organizations to adapt to changing circumstances.


Non-profits can navigate unexpected challenges or opportunities with greater resilience and agility.

What makes Core-Strategy perfect for the non-profit Industry?

Strategy planning and execution is a complex endeavor. We designed and integrated a strategy to Define, Plan, Execute, Evaluate, and Monitor organizational strategies, linking, cascading, and reporting the utilization of the organization’s capabilities and resources. Developed by seasoned Enterprise Architects, we incorporated lessons learned from supporting complex matrix organizations (Government and Commercial enterprises) with a single objective to remove complexities in a Strategic Management process, enable transparency, promote accountability, and improve data-driven decision capabilities at all levels of the organization.
